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uhh how do you rate the game 5 stars

would be nice to be able to disable or enable command and hypnosis stuff for when nsfw happens and also i hate making sounds since they scare me out of trance and confuse me

I mean none of the commands are meant to be inappropriate or anything. That was mostly why I didn't add disable menus. But I do understand the noise problem

(2 edits)

Hello, I am once a again here to report a bug in the newest version - this time the if statement for the new standstuff part is elif standaction ==5 instead of 6 so it never plays since 5 is the previous option. But I'm pretty sure this (and still that weird textbox flicker before showing the freeze message in funnyface from last version) is the only bug in this version, so 1.7 should be the version with everything fixed (unless you decide to add even more new stuff which I and I'm sure everyone else as well would like too).

Edit: Nevermind, also in the new standstuff part you're missing the N "Freeze" line (which is probably one of the worst lines to be missing)

Btw great job with the QoL stuff, now I think every part is reasonably likely to happen even without editing the code and nothing happens too often to be annoying (at least for me, can't speak for everyone of course).

I'm not sure how I missed those little things. But thank you for everything. Had you not pointed out any bugs, they would definitely still all be in the game

(1 edit)

I hate to say it but the left frozen part never happens - it always checks the 1/5 chance but it also checks if leftfrozen == True which it would be only after running the stuckfrozen part, thus making it a 0/5 chance

So sorry, but I guess you'll have to make a 1.5 (btw at the make a funny face freeze part the textbox flicker is also present)

Edit: As for why I'm only telling you about these bugs one at a time, I'm just playing the game and only when something feels wrong, I check the corresponding code part to avoid spoilers for the rest, so the rarer options will take some time for me to see, and I still haven't seen all options, for example standstuff with freeze trigger only happens in 3/196 games, not to mention the different routes, so to test that I'm gonna have to manipulate the game code a bit some other day, hope there are no bugs there, or you'll have to make a 1.6 :)

Wow, I don't know how I set the check to true and not false. But I get it, I wouldn't want to spoil stuff either. I'm just surprised you're still into it and trying to see more. 

(Calm down, it's not a new bug just a normal comment)

Don't sell yourself short, this game already has enough content for around 20 replays to be filled with new stuff. And there is a lot of hypnosis content, but player hypnosis is pretty rare. Seeing characters get hypnotized is nice, yes, but getting hypnotized yourself is a whole different feeling. Not to mention that I haven't seen any other game (yet) that would focus on toying with the player. And as a bonus it actually has a cute anime girl instead of just a black screen like I've seen elsewhere, overall it's extremely niche and pretty much perfect, so I definitely want to see all the content and for it to be bug-free for all other players to enjoy it as much as I do. The only thing I could say about the design is that there is a huge difference in how often certain parts appear. Since I know python from my uni I can easily edit the code to experience everything, but I can imagine almost nobody would actually experience some variations because it only happens around 1/60 of the time while base smile/funny face happens every other game.

I'm definitely looking forward to the NSFW version as well, I don't know how long it's expected to take, but know, that you'll definitely have at least one person waiting for it no matter how long it takes, so feel free to take your time and make it as perfect as you want it to be (or not, I'm gonna play it and comment about every bug I find no matter what :) )

So to sum it up thank you so, so much for making this game, this most likely is my final comment until that version so I just wrote down everything I wanted to say.

I can't believe it there actually is one more bug - the preferences.afm_enable = False call at the end of stuckfrozen or at the end of freeze section of standstuff is wrong because standstuff should continue auto-playing until the "You can sit down and resume clicking" command

Ah, thank you. I'm glad you enjoy it. I was thinking there was a bit of a gap in this sort of market, so I had to take it upon myself. Honestly the main intention was to make a NSFW game, but it is surprisingly fun making this version :)

Replaying the game a few times I found another (although smaller this time) bug - in the onefoot section there is "show closedneutral" and "show neutral" missing the h, same in the frozen cow section - "show closedneutral" instead of "show h closedneutral" which causes messages on the top of the screen of image not found, which could be distracting for someone

Not sure if that needs to be a version by itself but fixing it in the next version would be nice, thank you.

That's definitely embarrassing.... I was hoping I wouldn't have left any of that mistake...



I love thiss

Super eager for the NSFW ver, but this is really well made! 💜

Also, very good choice on purple color and nails~


Thank you! Purple is the most appropriate choicefor this kind of thing, so there was no other choice. And its the best color ever

How does one open this on Linux? I find it so annoying that such a simple task is made difficult on Linux 😭

I don't really know tbh. Just look up how to run a renpy game on Linux

You need to make some files executable in ./<Game_Name>/lib/py3-linux-x86_64 directory.

(1 edit)

There are some parts where I feel like it should've scrolled automatically, especially when I was frozen, but really super fun!! Great work!

I'll definitely play it a few times to see all the commands.

Oops, I forgot to add the code to make them auto forward....

Love it so far.

But there is a bug where it skips a few lines sometimes. 

When does it happen? There are some points when its supposed to scroll automatically

inbetween "put your hands to your side" and "You are standing at attention" or something like that. The textbox flickers briefly without any text

I can confirm that is a bug that skips some lines, sometimes it even does that without giving a command to stand up so it definitely can't be intended

It's not actually skipping any lines (I don't think), but I do know why it's happening. 

I read through the script to see what is actually happening and found out the bug - total 2 removes 'standstart' from the list without actually running it, however since 'standstart' is now not in the list 'standstuff' is added to the list on total 3 without actually giving the player the stand up command, same thing happens after 'standstuff' is finished - on the next total 'standstart' is still not in the list so 'standstuff' is added again. To fix this I'd suggest adding 'standstuff' to the list while running the 'standstart' instead of checking the list at the begining of every total.

Apologies for the long comment and reading the game code and thank you for making such an amazing game and for responding to all the comments. <3

Oh, that was a bit of a dumb oversight... Thanks for going through the effort to find it <3 I probably never would've noticed without it pointed out


Nice and short game,also do you plan on updating it maybe adding more scenarios even nsfw ones?


Honestly the original idea was to make a fully nsfw game, but because I had so many ideas for it, I wanted to start small first. Hopefully I make the other version.